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identity creation and validation sellers without SSN here I am showing you something that you can do in 10 minutes that will make it possible for you to earn 30 PRESENT more money

identity creation and validation sellers without SSN here I am showing you something that you can do in 10 minutes that will make it possible for you to earn 30 PRESENT more money if you have an Amazon KDP account or any other account with any other payment gateway that is hosted in America they do

take a 30 tax withholding from your money, your hard-earned money that you already have earned so how can avoid this

Yes, if you earn well ten thousand dollars a month this is three thousand dollars that are a lot of money that you're losing

uh as you can see here you have the proton weapon here that you can use with the proton mail and you can create a synthetic identity and you can host it at the VPN

for free by

so here you can see I am American I need to be in America I need to have an address in America okay I do not choose


and you can make a profile here so the next time when you start you will automatically start where you want it to as you can see there you'll get an IP address and everybody else who sees you from the outside will see that you are hosted at the location in America you can see here there are many choices but most of them are paid but when you use the three options

you are not able to create a fully

functional synthetic identity and amino synthetic identity that is as it was a real person

if you are going to create a synthetic identity that you want to nurture and make as good as if it was a real person then you need to do some in-depth thinking before you start it because as you see this IP address why am I here what is the reason for me to need a synthetic identity why do I need to be in America what should I do in America is there anything that I have to include in my identity is there a way of

earning more money having a better system getting more customers to be more helpful

as with the identity verification when I'm going to verify anything then I use this elfQRUIN.COM n site that you can see I think this is the best this is the only one that provides you with uh 18 Orton patin

and passport number and here you can see you will get all the information you need and the really cool thing is that you can do it on-demand and you can just if you take and hook the passport where you can see we can use a state

and it will generate a valid number with your name and or whatever name you wanted to use

spoiler alert the name really don't have anything at all do it if

do you need to have a

uh social security number that is issued the same year as this a synthetic identity this is important to take and think about and I have been doing that and what I concluded is that in America if you are a person that is born and everything uh normally the parents will not have any need of any social security number before the

children are I'm just five or years old because then they would start school and then they will have this need this information to enroll to the uh to the classes and the

parents will get it because this is uh something that everybody needs to do go to school or if not you will get your children taken away or you have to homeschool them as you can see here I use my own name why do I use my own name because if I'm creating a synthetic identity and I want to have access to this identity and maybe I want to transfer money with a service life or transferwise

borderless account

and when I am going to transfer money from my like I did my real identity I go to the bank am I going to take the money out nobody asks me why I am there and why who I am and what my idea is because I have a customer relationship so it's a bank already in my name so then for this will be a good way of masking the synthetic identity and making it merged with your uh bank account as you can see here you get all the information you will need ever need to provide yourself with

any kind of documentation but as I have been creating uh no later today it's a w2 form that is fillable and uh
